Tell us your story S
S’ story
S’s story is about global travel, battling adversity and recovery.
The real adventure of life started when he joined the army and began to explore the world. Facing danger very early in his career.
After retiring he receives a cancer diagnosis. Weekly chemotherapy and radiotherapy follows plus receives prayer from his sister’s church and has a sense that ‘something happened’. The tumor is virtually gone.
Changes lifestyle to be healthier but 3 years later cancer returns. Operation saves his life with the consultant saying ‘you feel like a human worth saving’. Feels blessed to still be here and thankful for the guardian angel of a consultant!
Now serving at a drop in to support others, delivers food for the food bank and shares his own faith with others. Still in the game and making a difference.
Definitely a human worth saving.
It’s a mystery why some are healed and others aren’t, but I still have faith that it can happen in any way.
With meaning comes purpose and direction.
Creative response
Image: ‘Still in the game’.
As we ricochet around life we sometimes find ourselves on the outside and need a little helping hand to bounce us back in, wherever that might come from.
Fancy joining in?
Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone’s story is valuable.
Share some stories from your life with a view to encouraging others by sharing the ups and downs of your journey, with opportunities to join in with some creative responses if you want to!