“I was fortunate to receive a lovely bunch of flowers from someone I know after a meeting we had together. Sonia had brought 3 bunches of flowers to give out randomly at the end of the meeting and I was one of the lucky recipients!
It brought a smile to my face that lasted right the way through the week and it always stays in my mind. I reflected on how these flowers made me feel – happy, appreciated, treasured and this has spurred me on to doing a little something for others whenever I can, this has resulted in buying a coffee for someone in the café as they routed around for change; carrying heavy bags for a neighbour; treating my work team to goodies to cheer them up and even just smiling at people in the corridor.”
Random acts of kindness makes everyone happier and hopefully the recipient carries on with nice gestures too. Being kind is so important for us all and every time I see Sonia I let her know how much those flowers meant to me.
Evelyn Hospital Worker